

Welcome to PorterHome.com!

This is the home for the Porter family – Matthew, Courtney, Avery, Gabriel, and Owen.

About Us

Mission Statement

We have a debt to those before us and an obligation to those after us. We maximize life and potential through heart, intelligence, and grit. We focus on our bond. We do all of this together because we are always stronger together. Mostest.

Recent Blogs

  • You Aren’t Micro Managing. You Are Probably F*cking Bullying.
    The author confesses to being a former micromanager and recovering bully. Micromanagers are likened to bullies due to their behavior and impact on others. They are explained through the concepts of “The Disguised Attitude” and “The Blind Attitude,” highlighting their insecurities and impact on team dynamics. The ideal leadership attitude, “The Confident Attitude,” is presented as the goal for effective leadership. Transitioning to this attitude requires a growth mindset and valuing contributions equally.
  • The Waiting Game: A Closer Look at In-Office Times
    In healthcare, patients endure excessive waits, with 97% facing over 25 minutes of delay in 2022. This not only heightens anxiety but also erodes precious moments, especially for those with chronic conditions. The healthcare system’s inefficiency challenges professionals’ Hippocratic Oath commitment, creating an ethical dilemma. This post examines the impact of wait times on patient well-being and suggests steps toward a more efficient healthcare model.
  • The Devil’s Vortex: How To Kill Scaling & Your Soul
    In the ever-evolving landscape of entrepreneurship and leadership, there lurks a hidden peril known as the “Devil’s Vortex.” This daunting phenomenon represents the overwhelming challenges and burnout that leaders and entrepreneurs often face, yet many step into it willingly, unaware of its subtle entrapment. The Devil’s Vortex is more than just a metaphorical hazard; it’s a stark reality where one’s efforts seem to spiral into chaos, yielding minimal impact. In contrast, the “Genius Zone” offers a sanctuary of productivity and satisfaction, where one’s unique strengths and deepest passions intersect, creating a harmonious blend of success and fulfillment.